Pet Insurance
Whether you plan on getting an insurance plan for your puppy or not, I encourage you to activate the 30 Days of Free Insurance offers below.
I know how expensive veterinary care can be if your puppy gets sick or eats something like a toy therefore I have partnered with two companies (Pet Partners through AKC or AKC Reunite and Trupanion) to get you 30 days of free insurance. You are under NO obligation to purchase a policy through either company but I highly encourage you to activate both offers so that you have some type of coverage in case something happens.
How so I activate these Free Insurance offers?
Activating the Pet Partners offer through AKC & AKC Reunite
We require that you activate your puppy’s microchip before they leave us. When you enroll the microchip through AKC Reunite you will receive 30 days of free pet insurance. This special offer will be emailed to you once you enroll the microchip or you may find a link to this offer in your confirmation email. You simply enroll your puppy to receive the Free 30 Day offer. Note that you must activate this offer within 28 days of enrolling your microchip.
Click below to learn more about what is covered in this offer
Pet Partners also offers 30 days of free insurance if you choose to complete the registration on your puppy with AKC. Your puppy’s registration application will be found in the folder within the puppy go home bag. If you complete the AKC registration and choose to stick with this company, you will also receive 10% off a policy since I am an AKC bred with heart breeder. Simply enroll online and use the Group Code AKCBWH.
Click below to learn more about what is covered in this offer.
Activating the Trupanion Pet Insurance offer
As a Good Dog breeder, I am was able to partner with Trupanion and give you another way to get 30 days of free insurance. I do like the fact that when you enroll as a puppy there are not any preexisting conditions, and your policy will be priced as a puppy for the rest of its life. They also have a lifetime deductible per condition not yearly. Do a comparison for yourself and see if it is something that you want to buy.
You will need to activate this insurance within 24 hours of taking possession of your puppy. The cost of your wellness exam and shots are not covered. This policy will cover accidents or injuries that might occur within the first 30 days of getting your puppy. They are puppies….that means that they will get into everything that they can and learn about the world through their mouth so unfortunately sometimes they chew on items that are not puppy safe.
Your folder in your puppy’s go home bag will contain more information about this insurance offer but remember that you must activate it within 24 hours prior or after getting your puppy.
Here is an overview of the Go Home Day Offer (buyers in US & Canada, excl. FL/NY)
Your Trupanion Promo Code: BR1HC9121
• 30 days of coverage with no upfront payment or obligation
• Immediate coverage with waiting periods waived
• $250 deductible, applies per condition for the lifetime of the pet
• 90% coverage with no limits on what they pay out
• Vet Direct Pay
• Coverage for any new injuries or illnesses
Wellness visit and vaccinations are not covered
To activate, call 855-266-2156 or visit

Thoughts on Pet Insurance
Some buyers decide to purchase pet insurance while others do not. It is up to you. I can tell you that in most cases the first 2 years of your puppy’s life is when they are at the highest risk of getting into something toxic, ingesting toys or other objects that may cause a blockage or getting hurt by rough housing around. As you saw above, I am giving you a couple of options for 30 days of free insurance. Whether you choose to continue with a policy, choose a different company or choose to have no pet insurance is up to you once the 30-day period has elapsed. I am just providing this to you in case you have a major emergency or accident within the first 30 days.
If you would like to compare pet insurance policies, please visit the following website. Sometimes pet insurance is also available through your employer or as an add on from your current home or auto insurance company may offer it as an add on. This page gives you general info on pet insurance. Click on the Comparison Fact Sheet link to compare pet insurances.