Izzy & Chloe’s litters
Both of these litters were born on the same day so we opted to make one webpage for both litters to reduce confusion
The Parents
Izzy & Sterling
Chloe & Spencer
Litter Info
- AKC Registered
- Izzy’s litter has 4 boys and 4 boys (1 girl is much smaller so she will not be placed at this time)
- Chloe’s litter has 4 boys and 1 girl. We are keep this female.
- Coat Colors: Red & White or possibly Sable & White
- Coat length: Standard short
- Born: February 26, 2024
- Go Home Date: Around April 27, 2024
- Vet Check Date: April 9, 2024
- Formal Temperament Testing: April 17
- Puppy Picking / Zoom meetings: April 18-20
The Girls
When a puppy is selected, I will place the buyers name under the photos of the puppy. This way everyone will be able to tell who is still available.
Izzy's Pink Collar Girl
Izzy's Purple Collar Girl
Found her home with Kiley W.
Izzy's Yellow Collar Girl
Found her home with Amber F.
The Boys
When a puppy is selected, I will place the buyers name under the photos of the puppy. This way everyone will be able to tell who is still available.
Izzy's Light Blue Collar Boy
Found his home with Amanda M..
Izzy's Light Green Collar Boy
Found his home with Ricardo H.
Izzy's Orange Collar Boy
Found his home with Shannon A.
Izzy's Red Collar Boy
Found his home with Christina M.
Chloe's Dark Blue Collar Boy
Chloe's Dark Green Collar Boy
Found his home with Justin B
Chloe's Maroon Collar Boy
Chloe's Silver Collar Boy
Found his home with Victoria-Rose W.
Weekly emails
I will send out an email every Tuesday to help get your prepared for your pup. You will also get weekly emails once you get your pup to provide you with some tips for living with puppyhood. Please watch for these emails and let me know if you are not receiving them.
Watch Us Grow
- I have set up a Flickr album for photos and a YouTube Playlist for videos so that you can watch they as they grow up. I will try to add snapshots and videos twice a week.
- Due to scammers stealing photos, I have made the Flikr album private. Please click on the link below to see photos.
- If you subscribe to our Youtube channel you should get notifications when I add new videos.
- I do not name each puppy because I believe that is the right of the owner. I will refer to each puppy by a color. Shortly after birth, each puppy is marked with a specific color of nontoxic fabric paint on the back of their necks. Once they are 4 weeks old they will get a tiny Velcro collar and it will be easier for you to identify them as they grow.
- You can bookmark both of these sites or sign up for notifications so that you will know when new pictures and videos are added.
Make sure to Like & Subscribe to our Youtube chanel
to receive updates when NEW videos are added.
What we are learning & doing
As you are aware, our puppies get worked with daily and I thought that it might be fun for you to follow along with what they are doing and learning each week. Below you will find a weekly general outline of activities that we perform with our babies and videos from a previous litter.
Please note that our program is based upon developmental markers that are observed in the puppies. This means that every litter and puppy works through the program at their own pace when they are developmentally ready. This means that if puppies are not ready for an activity or specific set of toys, it will be put off until they are ready. We have developed this program specifically for our breed based on the work of the top puppy programs in the nation.
I will add a new video of the puppies in this litter weekly to the YouTube playlist for this litter so you can follow along with their development and activities.
Days 0-7
Planned activities for this week:
- Weighed twice a day and supplemented as needed
- Starting on day 3, ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) is started. This helps prepare puppies to deal with stress in their lives and forms stable dogs.
- Watch the following video to get an insight into our program and ENS. To watch this complete video series watch A Puppy’s Journey on our YouTube channel.
Days 8-14
Planned activities for this week:
- Weighed twice a day and supplemented as needed
- ENS continued
- Eyes normally open from days 12-16: Handling exercises started after eyes open
Days 15-21
Planned activities for this week:
- Weighed once a day
- Soft toys and other tactile objects were added to their whelping box for them to explore
- Ears normally open a couple of days after eyes open. We start playing soft music and hanging toys, rattle toys & crinkle toys are added to their whelping box for them to explore sounds.
- A bed is added so that they learn to keep their sleeping area clean.
- Nail trims on Sunday
Days 22-28
Planned activities for this week:
- Puppies are normally toddling well by this age. I normally move them into a modified crate with a bed and litterbox around this age.
- When teeth erupt they are started on puppy mousse then transitioned to puppy mush with probiotics. They start out as messy eaters!
- They quickly learn to come to the Puppy Call when it is time to eat.
- By using the litterbox set up, they realize that there is a place to go to the bathroom and a place to keep clean and sleep. At first, they have LOTS of accidents and their area must be cleaned 2-3 times a day.
- They begin to try to play and talk around this age. We add an assortment of new toys to play with daily that have different textures and sounds.
- We introduce a new genre of music every day and they listen to at least one new sound daily.
- Puppies experience handling exercises which includes ear rubs, covering their eyes, checking teeth, neck rubs, gentle petting, tummy rubs, paw rubs and nail tapping to decrease sensitivity.
- Puppies are exposed to different surfaces this week
- Nail trims on Sunday
Days 29-35
Planned activities for this week:
- Puppies get their first collar (colored Velcro collar) this week along with their first vaccination & worming (neopar & pyrantel)
- They normally move to a larger pen.
- We work on potty training to the litter box
- Puppies start sleeping in a crate with the doors open
- We work on manding (sitting before the food bowl is given)
- They learn to take a treat – Their first taste of Cheese!
- We continue working on the Puppy Call
- We continue daily handling exercises
- They get new toys to explore daily
- We continue sound desensitizing by exposing them to new music and sounds daily
- Our goal is to have 3 new experiences this week
- We start working on our bedtime routine this week which will continue until they leave our care. This routine helps make the transition to their new homes easier.
- Nail trims on Sunday
Days 36-42
Planned activities for this week:
- Puppies are eating soft puppy kibble with probiotics and vitamins by this age
- They are sleeping in crates with the doors open
- We continue working on using a litterbox by removing washable pee pads as they get better with the litter box
- They come when called and are learning basic manners
- We continue daily handling exercises
- They experience new toys daily
- We continue sound desensitizing by exposing them to new music and sounds daily
- Puppies experience playing in new areas with interactive toys to explore daily
- Our goal is to have 3 new experiences this week
- Nail trims on Sunday
Days 43-49
Planned activities for this week:
- We normally start the weaning process around this age. Puppies are eating moist kibble with probiotics and vitamins.
- They are normally vet checked when they are around 6.5 weeks old and get their first DAPPV vaccination, are dewormed again and microchipped.
- Puppies are normally getting very good at using their litterbox by this age
- They come when called with the “Puppy Call” and have learned basic manners
- We start outside exposure and adventure walks when the weather is good
- We continue daily handling exercises
- They experience new toys with different textures and sounds daily
- We continue sound desensitizing by exposing them to new music, sounds and movies daily
- Puppies experience different interactive and challenging toys daily to stimulate thinking
- Our goal is to have 3 new experiences this week including wind, moving objects and a bath
- Nail trims on Sunday
Days 50-56
Planned activities for this week:
- Formal temperament testing occurs this week and they get their pictures taken.
- They learning to wear a Harness and explore numerous chew items to help soothe their gums.
- By now they are eating moist kibble with probiotics and vitamins. If resource guarding is observed, it is addressed.
- We continue to work on recall and basic manners
- Puppies go outside for play sessions and adventure walks. We use their willingness to follow humans and other animals to our advantage
- Daily handling exercises and the introduction of new novel toys continues
- Sound desensitizing continues with exposure to new sounds that they may experience in their lives, new genres of music and movies
- They play in new areas with new toys and textures
- We continue adding multiple new experiences this week including water and moving objects
- Nail trims on Sunday
Days 50-until they go to their new homes
Planned activities for this week:
- We normally pick puppies when they are around 7.5 to 8.5 weeks old through a zoom call
- They continue exploring a variety of challenging and interactive toys. They need multiple chew items by this age to help with teething.
- They are eating kibble with a splash of water, probiotics and vitamins. If resource guarding is observed, it is addressed.
- We continue to work on recall and basic manners
- We continue going outside for play sessions and adventure walks. We use their willingness to follow humans and other animals to our advantage and they learn to interact with other animals like bigger dogs and cats.
- We continue daily handling exercises and grooming experiences
- Sound desensitizing continues with exposure to new sounds that they may experience in their lives, new genres of music and movies
- We continue to add new experiences and play areas with new toys to develop balance and confidence including mazes, tunnels, adventure cubes, water and moving toys
- Nail trims on Sunday