Registering your AKC puppy

You purchased a registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi so why not go ahead and complete the registration with the American kennel Club (AKC).  The process is easily completed online.

You will find all of the paperwork that you need to complete the transaction in your blue folder.  

Your paperwork will look somewhat like this.   

1.  Go to  
This address can be found at the top of your dog’s paperwork and is circled in yellow on our example pedigree.  

2.  Follow the prompts on the website.  I have circled the information that you will be asked to supply from your paperwork. 

Note that when they ask for the Registration Number  this is referring to the Number on your paperwork which starts with DN (see our example)

I have also circled the Online PIN and Registration Type PIN on our example.  If your puppy has limited registration (pet) you will not have a Registration Type PIN

3.  If you have a question, feel free to email me and I will walk you through the process.